Andy Rooney On – Saving, Investing, Money, Finances, Bailouts and the National Debt

19 Apr

US National Debt April 2012

The U.S. National Debt Is Currently 15 trillion (April 2012)

The late, great, Andy Rooney had no shortage of opinions on all subjects under the Sun. When the financial crisis first hit under President George W. Bush during 2008, he did a series of different segments on the financial problems this nation faced.

Funny to realize (actually not) that “financial crisis” and “the economy” and the troubles facing it are still buzzwords, and headline staples many years later in 2012 at the end of President Barack Obama’s first term in office.

Andy Rooney has some advice to give on these situations, from someone who was born before the Great Depression!

In this video Andy Rooney discusses the financial situation and what it all means… Or rather, how most Americans DON’T know what it means and how hard it is for any American, even one as rich as Andy, to even begin to grasp it.

What does Andy Rooney do to pinch pennies and save every dollar he can during this time of economic hardship? Watch this video to find out.

Finally, Andy Rooney discusses the ballooning National Debt itself in this segment.

Previous Andy Rooney On Videos:
* Andy Rooney On the Middle East. Utah and Utaq, Mesopotamia and Persia, Iraq Half the Size of Texas [Posted On October 28 2012]
* Andy Rooney On WWII and Covering the 8th Air Force Division During World War II [Posted On July 11 2012]
* Andy Rooney On Ex Presidents [Posted June 13 2012]
* Andy Rooney On His Critics [Posted June 1, 2012]
* Andy Rooney On Lists and Magazines [Posted May 26, 2012]
* Andy Rooney On A Woman US President and Why We Haven’t Had One. Plus Ar Women Smarter Than Men? What Countries Have Women Presidents [Posted May 21, 2012]
* Andy Rooney On Computers, Bill Gates, Off Being On (Start) and Typewriters (Andy’s Funniest Video) [Posted May 9, 2012]
* Andy Rooney On eBooks and eReaders… Physical vs digital (Kindle, Nook, etc.) [Posted May 2, 2012]
* Andy Rooney On the 5 Worst Inventions of All Time [Posted April 25, 2012]
* Andy Rooney On Saving, Investing, Money, Finances, Bailouts and the National Debt [Posted April 19, 2012]
* Andy Rooney On President Obama’s Election [Posted April 14, 2012]
* Andy Rooney On the Death of Osama Bin Laden [Posted April 12, 2012]

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Posted by on April 19, 2012 in Andy Rooney On..., Features, News, Videos


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