Category Archives: Prayer Requests

Prayer Requests: My Friend Tried To Commit Suicide

Suicide Salvation Artwork by KeegsmeisterHello all,

A prayer request from me. One of my friends tried to commit suicide just the other day, which is why I haven’t updated. We were at the hospital all night and throughout most of the next day. I was up for over 24 hours so I came home and slept all the way until 4pm today.

Thankfully, my friend Andrew is alright and will not be permanently damaged we believe. But there are a lot of questions. He covers and hides things well, and he has been all sarcastic all the time sense going in. While that is normal Andrew, we think it is excessive and indicates a much deeper problem, that he uses sarcasm to cover.

It’s very sad too because none of us expected this at all. Everything had been going so well for Andrew, I thought he was doing better than ever before. He is attending Bible College, in a band with my bros., and has been leading a Bible Study small-group for over a year now. So this was very sudden, very heart-breaking, and came out of no where. I never would have expected Andrew to do this.

Please pray for him and keep him in your prayers. He is about to be held for a few days at a facility where they will evaluate him. He has actually tried to commit suicide four times within the past five days, with it escalating each time. So they’re very worried about that pattern of behavior.

A lot of things, a “perfect” storm kind of came together to bring this about we think. But I won’t get into the details. Please just lift him up. Thank you.

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Posted by on October 9, 2012 in Prayer Requests


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On Death, Life, Dying and God. When It Looks Like Death Has Won, Remember Its A Lie. Love Lasts Forever, For God Is Love (Sermon of the Day T.D. Jakes At Whitney Houston’s Funeral Video)

Death Defeated. Jesus Rises Wallpaper

Death. Defeated. Jesus. Rises.

The Bible says that love is stronger than Death. But in the midst, throes and turmoil of losing a loved one, never forget that Jesus Christ died on the Cross, and took the sting out of Death.

When your loved one passes away, it will look like Death has won. But that’s a lie. Death has not won. For Love lasts forever. Love is stronger than death because God. IS. LOVE.

T.D. Jakes speaks this message at Whitney Houston’s funeral. If you haven’t heard it, take time to listen to his message and allow it to sink in. In just over five minutes this powerful man of God delivers the most eloquent funeral speech I’ve ever heard. Heartfelt, funny, gracious, moving, profound, uplifting. Perfect.

Do not allow death to sow seeds of bitterness, resentment, or even regret. We all will have regrets, of time lost, love lost… and memories and moments never to be redeemed again… But that is a lie. We WILL meet again in Heaven, and that time will be redeemed 100 fold. Remember that the Bible says our lifetime spent here on earth, even if it is 100 years or more, is as a wisp of smoke compared to our eternal life in the hereafter and beyond.

In but an eyeblink from God, 1000 earthly years pass by. Within an early second, our loved ones will be reunited with those who loved Jesus Christ and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven to be rejoined once again. Death is a destination… and death is the beginning of life. NOT THE END. Thus the death of a loved one is something to be celebrated.

Prayer Request: As my uncle Tom passes from this life into the next, please keep him and the family in your prayers. Pray that this brings the family closer than ever before, and that God prepares my uncle’s soul to enter Heaven, and embraces him with open arms. Thank you.

Death Is Dead Wallpaper

Death. Is. Dead.

Celebrate their life, celebrate their memory, and celebrate the reality of the afterlife in the loving wings of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and their creator, their Father God. For our lose is Heaven’s gain. And the gain they receive is beyond earthly measure or comprehension. We will join them soon enough, for life passes by in a blink. Make the best of it, and love people. For God is love, and nothing on this earth, not metal, stone or works of creativity, will pass with us. Nothing but our relationships, and those souls in which we have brought an eternal destiny.

Bible Reading With Coffee - Jesus Has Risen



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Prayer Request – Pray for Benny Hinn and His Family

Pastor Benny Hinn

Pray for the restoration of Benny Hinn’s family.

This comes directly from Benny Hinn’s newsletter, asking that people pray for the restoration of his family, which he believes is already underway. Either way, it is important for us to pray for those pastors, leaders and preachers of the gospel, they arguably need prayer more than any of us, because they are responsible for leading the lost to Christ and taking care of their flock.

“I have wonderful news that I know will be an incredible blessing to you and a great encouragement to your family.

Our God is a God of restoration and reconciliation. The cross is the ultimate symbol of His unending yearning to reconcile man to God and will be our only hope for healing. I know, for I experienced this healing when I gave my heart to my precious Master Jesus so many years ago; but I have experienced His healing touch more recently when He began His glorious healing work in my own family, as the process of restoration in my marriage has begun.

And it all started this past Christmas…

What could have been one of the loneliest Christmases of my life turned out to be one of the most beautiful I have ever experienced. As my children, grandchildren, Suzanne, and I gathered together on Christmas day, I began to sense that our precious Lord Jesus was moving in my family to bring about the healing and reconciliation I have prayed for so long. We laughed together, exchanged gifts, and reminisced about all the wonderful memories of family over the years, and I breathed a simple prayer, “Lord Jesus, protect my family for Your name’s sake.”

As many of you know, my wife, Suzanne, and I have been through a difficult season in our life and marriage. And while I am not prepared to make any announcements about what is taking place, I ask that you continue to pray for our family and be watching This Is Your Day for some precious news about what God is doing.

But I will say this: what I want more than anything on this earth is for God’s will to be done in my life, Suzanne’s life, and in the lives of my children and grandchildren. As a family we have been through so much, but we have seen God do the miraculous as He has called my daughters into the precious work of the Lord, delivered my son, and now begun the process of complete restoration in my marriage.

My beloved partner, I want to tell you afresh and anew that preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ is my heart and my life, and I want to preach it until my heart stops beating. I want to cry out the words, “Jesus saves, Jesus saves, Jesus saves” until the last beat of my heart and, by His grace, the last words I breathe to be, “To Jesus be the praise!”

You’ve been my partner and have stuck with me through thick and thin—through everything that has happened—and with all my heart I want to say thank you, thank you, thank you. I am grateful to you beyond words and will love you always. I thank my precious Jesus for bringing you into my life, and I pray that He will bless you over and over again, meeting every need in your life.

I pray every day for you, my precious partner, and I ask that He will move in a mighty way on your behalf—healing your home, your life, and your finances. I pray that He will make you whole in every area of your life. You are precious to Him, just as you are precious to me. And together we can truly be part of the coming greatest harvest!

So continue to pray with me that His healing work will be completed and, very soon, we will rejoice together at what our mighty God has done in our midst.

I love you so much and you are more precious to me that I can say,
Benny Hinn”

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Posted by on May 26, 2012 in Features, God, News, Prayer Requests


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Prayer Requests: Tornado Victims, Death of Andrew Breitbart, Syria, Iran, Israel & The Monkeys

Midwest Tornado Destruction March of 2012

Tornadoes laid waste everything across the Mid-West of the U.S. in early March. Pray for these hurting people.

Lots of crazy sh*t has happened recently eh? Across the U.S. there has been a deluge of tornadoes and fierce weather that has killed many people across a ton of states in the MidWest and East.

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If you so desire, please share this article on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc. and like it above. I’d greatly appreciate it!

Whether you have friends there or know a single soul or not, remember to keep the victims of these horrible weather tragedies in your prayers.

If you’ve been watching the news at all you’ll know how bad its been. People have had their entire homes torn asunder from right over them… I saw one case where the guy hid in his bathroom, and the only part left standing was… the bathroom. Miracles all around abound, but many people have also lost their lives as entire buildings were leveled. Keep these people and their families in your prayers. Pray that God protects His children and that their possessions are not destroyed. Everyone has seen people where their place was not touched while others were demolished. Pray that their angels are surrounding them keeping them safe, and that no harm will come to a hair on their head, in the name of Jesus.

The sad reality is that things will reportedly get much worse before they better. Yesterday there ware SEVENTY tornado just during the day… and around 20 people or more have died already. This is the “calm before the storm”….

Next up is Syria. The government has been slaughtering whole families, Muslim or not (although most of the people in the Middle East are Muslims). This is a travesty. It is easy to look the other way and say, “Why should I care about them?” Remember the story of The Good Samaritan? It’s very easy to take no responsibility for the action of others, but God honors those who do and those who show concern or do something about it.

Journalists killed in Syria

Veteran American journalist Marie Colvin and French photographer Remi Ochlik were killed in Syria. Pray for their families.

One of the best things we can do is to pray for these people. Because the reality is, if it was you and your family, you would be praying that someone intervened to help. Remember that God is love, and whether Muslim, Jew, Christian or Hindu, He loves each of us the same. Pray that their eyes will be opened to the loving Salvation of Jesus Christ, that is all but a prayer away.

Also two journalists were killed, one a veteran American journalist named Marie Colvin and a French photographer named Remi Ochlik. Another in the group was wounded by survived. Pray for all foreigners in that country that God protects them and they seek their Father out in these times of peril.

Andrew Breitbart With Piers Morgan on CNN

Andrew Britbeirt on Piers Morgan the day before he died. He was a regular CNN contributor. He will be missed.

Just the other day, Andrew Breitbart died of very mysterious circumstances. If you don’t know who he was, you may have seen him during CNN’s election coverage during the Piers Morgan show, on a panel with Michael Reagan (the adopted son of President Ronald Reagan). He was a revolutionary Conservative who helped to found The Drudge Report, The Huffington Post (with his good friend on the other side, Arianna Huffington, who used to also be a Conservative) and other websites. He pioneered use of Twitter, Facebook, etc. by a Conservative heavyweight. However he had a real edge to him, and was fearless in taking on liberals. He helped to break the Anthony Weiner case, forcing him to resign, and broke the stories that sunk the Acorn organization. Although he was beloved by many, he was hated by just as many due to his harsh rhetoric (similar but much rougher than say, Ann Coulter). He relished in controversy and made many enemies. But he also exposed lies and fought for Conservative causes. Read the rest of this entry »


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