Good Reads Online: Useful Links, Interesting Stories

Newspaper Reading

Good Reads, Useful Links and Interesting Articles Of the Web.... Ahh, just like the good ol' days! Hope you got your coffee ready!

Looking for useful articles, interesting stories or good reads from around the Internets? Look no further! This article will be a ever-growing and continuously updated feature that contains, essentially, everything I read on the web! Will it be a gigantic list?

Abso-freakin-lutely it will! But that’s kind of the point. Basically, everything I read will be inserted here for others to read. If you enjoy this article please like it at the top of the website and share it on Facebook and Twitter, I’d greatly appreciate it! And leave a comment if you’re so inclined. :)

This will also double as a useful resource for myself to find previous articles, stories, useful links, etc. that I’ve read, since I never check my own Bookmarks folder and it’s grown so large and full of random stuff that its beyond unwieldy and irrelevant. :P

So hopefully this will be a nice and easy way for me to find what I’ve previously read. And hopefully you’ll find some interesting things here as well, I’ll try to divide it up so has some order, and will include a brief description about each story and where it came from.

Previous Months are now stored at the Good Reads, Useful Links, Interesting Stories From Around the Web Article post. :)

What I’ve Read In NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2012
I’m finally updating this after a very long haitus. My last update was in JULY! I plan to put more effort in keeping this more regularly up-to-date and adding some choice websites that I visited through October, November and now December.

Table of Contents



* Teenage Werewolves Bill O’Reilly Weekly Column
* New Mexico Governor Suzanna Martinez Uncut Interview Greta On the Record – Man I love this lady! A great interview with the first ever Hispanic Women Governor of the U.S. Uncut Interview on Greta’s “On the Record” show.



* Israel Is Not the Problem – Interesting article that simply lays out the facts of the wars within Islam against themselves, even if you cut Israel out. As in Syria at this very moment, and makes the case that Israel is NOT the problem.
* 15 Year Old Teen Hacker Banned From Internet For Six Years In Sentence
* US and Now EU Oppose Censoring of Internet By UN – Very good news. And proof once again that the USA really is a place of freedom.



* L.O.V.E. by Head – Brian Head Welch’s song “LOVE”, from his solo album “Save Me From Myself”. Youtuber “mylifeinpiano” puts the song to amazing imagery from Head’s “I Am Second” video for an absolutely awesome combination and a great AMV Music Video.




* Apollo Photographs – A simple google search of Apollo NASA Moon Photographs… So amazing.
* Apollo Lunar Surface Journal
* China Reveals First Lunar Photographs
* Moon Photographs
* Best UFO Photographs
* Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter


* Scary Mommy – Interesting talk about “Going Commando”.


* The Secret of Satan – A very interesting read about Anna Kingsford, an occultist who would have what she called “illuminations”, visions and lucid dreams in which she believed spiritual beings imparted spiritual knowledge to her. These dreams were recorded by her collaborator Edward Maitland who put them together in a book published after her death on February 22nd 1888. It is a very powerful and very interesting description of Satan, who he is and what he does, that is, for the most part, Biblical. However, as always, you gotta be careful with anything that is NOT from the Bible directly.
* Breakdown of Kesha And the Satanic, Illuminati Messages In Her Music Video For Die Young – This is very striking and very disconcerting, when you really look at what this person is claiming regarding the video and the completely Anti-Christ message that pervades throughout it.
* Secret Illuminati Training Videos – A series of fake videos that portend to show the illuminati plan for taking over the world. Of course, the scary thing is that these secrets are real, as may be the plan. Is this real or fake? It’s impossible to truly know the answer, but books on the plan of the Illuminati and secret societies exist, in physical form, going back to the 1800s. Whatever you believe, this is an interesting video worth watching, and may enlighten you on some of what the Illuminati is all about and what they believe. It’s up to you to judge what is true and what is not, and seek out answers yourself to help you come to your own conclusion.
* Aliens Are Of Satan – An absolutely fascinating amateur documentary film that makes some of the wildest claims you’ve ever heard. However all backed up with Biblical facts. These include Falling Angels being Transformers, Hitler meeting aliens, Moonbases, Photographic evidence of fallen angels, demons and UFO’s in NASA-released pictures and “undocumented” videos and pictures from The Moon of “alien” evidence, video of a “Daughter of Man”…. and much more. Just watch it and make up your own judgment, if anything you’ll be entertained. It’s all quite eye-opening, and I’m still forming an opinion on what I used to dismiss outright. As I come across more, my mind is beginning to change on all these “conspiracies”, especially when Biblical truths are used and I see many threads of information I previously knew tying together.
* Poetry of Faith’s Youtube Profile – The guy who posted the “Aliens Are of Satan” Documentary.
* John Paul II Illuminati New World Order Antipope Antichrist Conspiracy EXPOSED – A video that purports to prove why Pope John Paul II was an “Anti-Pope” and many of the blasphemous things he did, that outright demonstrates apostasy in its truest form and goes completely against the advice and precedents set by previous Pope’s. I’m not Catholic, but this was a very eye-opening video and very, very convincing. Having said that, only God can judge a soul, and we know them by their fruits. Pope John Paul II brought millions to Christ and to Catholicism, while the former should take precedent, there are still millions who are saved directly because he choose to go and do things that other Pope’s would not. God’s grace is as deep as the ocean, so we should also be careful in judging whether someone else and the calling God may have had on their life.
* The Prediction of the Last Pope To Come Before the Antichrist Benedict XVI – A very interesting, crazy video. There was a Pope who had a vision from God where he was given over 100 different phrases, all of which corresponded to a particular Pope. This prophecy and vision that he had tells us that Pope Benedict XVI, the current Pope, is one of if not THE last Pope. Crazy stuff and worth watching. As always, seek God first, take everything people say with a grain of salt, even when it’s Biblical or seems Biblical.


* Daughter of Satanist High Priest Gives Testimony – This is an insane testimony, where she tells of the evils and abuse that her father, a Satanist high priest, did to her. And of her redemption by Christ.
* Brian Head Welch Life Story – The Korn founder and former lead-guitarist on his life story and testimony of going from the world to living for Christ through a REAL experience.
* Brian Head Welch Formerly of Korn Interview 1 for Revolution TV, Head Interview Part 2 Revolution TV
* Brian Head Welch, Sonny of P.O.D. and Lacey of Flyleaf Form The Whosoevers
* Aliens Are Of Satan – An absolutely fascinating amateur documentary film that makes some of the wildest claims you’ve ever heard. However all backed up with Biblical facts. These include Falling Angels being Transformers, Hitler meeting aliens, Moonbases, Photographic evidence of fallen angels, demons and UFO’s in NASA-released pictures and “undocumented” videos and pictures from The Moon of “alien” evidence, video of a “Daughter of Man”…. and much more. Just watch it and make up your own judgment, if anything you’ll be entertained. It’s all quite eye-opening, and I’m still forming an opinion on what I used to dismiss outright. As I come across more, my mind is beginning to change on all these “conspiracies”, especially when Biblical truths are used and I see many threads of information I previously knew tying together.
* Fieldy of Korn And Pat of Flyleaf Playing Bass Guitar Together – A very cool video of two very awesome people from amazing bands!
* Stillwell Welcomes Wuv – Fieldy of Korn and Wuv of P.O.D. have formed a band called “Stillwell”, this video welcomes Wuv to the band!
* Korn Bassist Fieldy On the Christian Life CBN News – Christian Broadcast News does an interview with Korn Bassist Fieldy, on how he came to know Christ and the story of his life and testimony.
* Brian Head Welch’s Life Story – Another very interesting story of Head, giving his testimony.
* Sonny P.O.D. Testimony Revival TV – An outstanding video interview from the lead singer of P.O.D.
* Reaching This Generation Part 6 Bible Study With Sonny Of P.O.D. and Brian Head Welch Former Lead Guitarist of Korn Now of Love & Death (Calvary Chapel Spring Valley) – This is an insanely awesome Bible Study at a church where Sonny and Head simply talk, laugh, discuss the Bible, giver their testimonies and life story, impart advice, answer questions and even give an alter call for others to seek Christ. Watch it and you’ll be blessed!
* Pope John Paul II In Hell? – Video of a women who says she saw a vision and in that vision God showed her Pope John Paul II in Hell. Take with a grain of salt if you watch it.
* John Paul II Illuminati New World Order Antipope Antichrist Conspiracy EXPOSED – A video that purports to prove why Pope John Paul II was an “Anti-Pope” and many of the blasphemous things he did, that outright demonstrates apostasy in its truest form and goes completely against the advice and precedents set by previous Pope’s. I’m not Catholic, but this was a very eye-opening video and very, very convincing. Having said that, only God can judge a soul, and we know them by their fruits. Pope John Paul II brought millions to Christ and to Catholicism, while the former should take precedent, there are still millions who are saved directly because he choose to go and do things that other Pope’s would not. God’s grace is as deep as the ocean, so we should also be careful in judging whether someone else and the calling God may have had on their life.
* The Prediction of the Last Pope To Come Before the Antichrist Benedict XVI – A very interesting, crazy video. There was a Pope who had a vision from God where he was given over 100 different phrases, all of which corresponded to a particular Pope. This prophecy and vision that he had tells us that Pope Benedict XVI, the current Pope, is one of if not THE last Pope. Crazy stuff and worth watching. As always, seek God first, take everything people say with a grain of salt, even when it’s Biblical or seems Biblical.
* A REAL Interview With A Real Alien – This is a documentary, not what the title says it is… or is it? I didn’t watch the whole thing but it seemed pretty interesting. A good example of how to use a stupid little video but put a eye-catching title that everyone will click on!


* Walking Information Government Website
* Bicycler and Walking Guide
* Best Biycling Secrets In Phoenix, Arizona
* 43 Things App – A very interesting App where people pick “43 Things” or “goals” or a list of things they want to accomplish, and then share it with friends and strangers, who encourage them on getting their list of goals done.
* Everything2 – Everything2 is a community of readers and writers who write about pretty much anything and share their feedback with others. It’s a great place to get help with your writing or just lose yourself in nearly a half-million pieces from over a decade in existence. People come here to contribute and read fiction, nonfiction, poetry, reviews, or their thoughts on the day. If you’d like to give feedback, offer a correction, or contribute your own work.
* Craigslist 101: How to Successfully Sell (Simple Organized Living)
* Craigslist 101 Series of How-To Articles (Simple Organized Living)
* 5 Tips For Selling Your Stuff On Craigslist (Simple Organized Living)
* Top 10 Tips For Using Craigslist (Simple Organized Living)
* Craigslist Used Pricing Tool (Statricks)
* 5 Tips For Selling Your Stuff On Craigslist (Apartment Therapy)
* Just Ask, Simple Ways To Save More (Simple Organized Living)
* Reducing Little Expenses = Big Savings (Simple Organized Living)
* 3 Tips To Sell Your Stuff ASAP On Craigslist
* Craigslist 101 – What You Need To Get Started
* Writers Explain What It’s Like Toiling On Content Farm (Writers & Writing)
* DemandStudiosSucks – A pretty funny website where they post articles about how much it sucks to work for DemandStudios. I believe this site might have some helpful stuff as well, I don’t believe it’s all people complaining, but I didn’t spend enough time on the site to really know.
* All Freelance – A site full of amazing resources for writers and people who want to get into writing.
* Moving Past Demand Studios by AllFreelanceWriting – An outstanding article about why working for content farms like DemandStudios is bad, and the pay is not good and why writers can do better. As well as testimonials in the comments from people who enjoy DemandStudios and working for them.
* How To Make Multiple Entries On Craigslist eHow
* How to Post On Craigslist (HubPages)


* The Amazing Spider-Man (film)
* Emma Stone (Played Felicia in The Amazing Spider-Man, main love interest)
* Tobey McGuire (Spider-Man Actor In Sam Raimi Trilogy of 2000s)


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