Category Archives: Videogame News

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Stage Demo, Floor Footage E3 2013 Press Conference Trailer Videos (Xbox 360, PS3, PC)

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 Angel Gameplay Battle Screenshot

Awesome angelic boss battle!

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is coming in 2014 for Xbox 360, PS3 and PC. At E3 2013 we saw even more awesome footage of the game in action.

Gameplay-wise, the game looks to be pretty much exactly the same, but developer MercurySteam has kicked everything up a notch with the powers and moves you have available, and the fact that you play as Dracula himself in this game is absolutely awesome.

The game also has more of a goth focus, even though it is set in the modern world.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 GameSpot Stage Demo

Players can now upgrade their Weapons by the combos you perform, instead of having to use in-game currency. Putting the focus squarely back on fighting and taking out enemies.

Additionally there will be no loading times during the Story Mode and it will also be much longer than the previous game.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 E3 2013 Konami Press Conference Gameplay Walkthrough

One cool new focus of this game will be on platforming, something that took a major backseat with the first Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, but has been a huge focus of past Castlevania games… And the way the developers brought it back is very well done and cool, reminding me of something like Prince of Persia.

Check out the videos to see more of the nitty-gritty with the next installment in the Castlevania series, hitting in 2014 for current-gen consoles and PC.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 E3 2013 Interview


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Beyond: Two Souls E3 2013 Stage Demo, Floor Footage, Press Conference Trailer Videos (PS3)

Beyond: Two Souls Gameplay Screenshot (E3 2013)

You got your 3rd person shooting action in my Beyond!

Beyond: Two Souls for PlayStation 3 was one of the highlights of Sony’s E3 2013 Press Conference, proving that their current-gen system has just as many heavy-hitters as their next-gen console, the PS4.

Beyond: Two Souls E3 2013 Trailer Video

Despite the fact that Beyond: Two Souls was featured at last year’s E3, the game still turned heads even in 2013 at this year’s E3, where the developers showed off an all-new, extremely action-packed segment of the game that is as far removed from Heavy Rain (Beyond developer Quantic Dream’s previous game) in the gameplay department as you can get. With a focus on third-person shooting and twitch gameplay.

Beyond: Two Souls E3 2013 Sony Press Conference Gameplay Walkthrough Demo

While Heavy Rain was extremely “adventure-focused”, somewhat slow-moving, and with action scenes that were entirely based on QTE (Quick-Time Events, the button for an action pops up and you have to hit it to pass, fail or alter what’s happening on-screen); this new footage for Beyond: Two Souls, proved that the game is still full of surprises, and it won’t be a simple follow-up to Heavy Rain.

Beyond: Two Souls E3 2013 Floor Footage

Even though we know a lot about the game, we still don’t know everything, as this E3 proved. And excitement for Beyond has grown even beyond (pun not intended) what it was before. Beyond: Two Souls is definitely one of my most hotly anticipated titles, and another reason to stick with current-gen over next-gen.

From the visionary mind of David Cage, director of the award-winning Heavy Rain, comes the most powerfully emotional experience on PlayStation 3. A singularly unique psychological action thriller delivered by A-list Hollywood performances, Beyond: Two Souls takes you on a thrilling journey across the globe as you play out the remarkable life of Jodie Holmes.

Beyond: Two Souls E3 2013 GameTrailers Stage Demo

Key Beyond: Two Souls Features:
* Born with a connection to a mysterious entity with incredible powers, Jodie was different. In an adventure spanning 15 years of her life, your actions will determine Jodie’s fate as she faces extraordinary challenges, danger, and heart-wrenching loss on a journey to discover the truth of who she is. Beyond promises an emotionally-charged journey unlike any video game before.
* Dive into a gripping and unpredictable psychological action thriller starring Academy Award-nominees Ellen Page and Willem Dafoe.
* Explore stunning and varied settings across the world in an epic journey through 15 years of a character’s life.
* Control Jodie and an invisible entity through spectacular action sequences and puzzles with unique controls.
* Experience cutting-edge technology from Quantic Dream in one of the best-looking games ever seen on the PlayStation 3.

Watch all the videos to learn much more about Beyond: Two Souls and see lots of gameplay footage of the game in action.

More Beyond: Two Souls Stage Demos:

Beyond: Two Souls GameSpot E3 2013 Stage Demo

Beyond: Two Souls Machinima E3 2013

Beyond: Two Souls IGN E3 2013


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XB180 Should Be New XB1 Name. Eh.

Xbox180 XboxOne

Xbox 180 eh!

Xbox 180 instead of XB1? That’s what everyone online is now calling the XboxOne system after Microsoft reversed course on their previous DRM policies.

If you haven’t heard, #nodrm #consumerwins #xboxone is the new rage on the Internet, as Microsoft confirmed that an Internet check is no longer required to play XboxOne games offline and lending, borrowing, renting and trading hardcopy games is fully supported.

This after the huge backlash that Microsoft has received in the wake of the new XboxOne system’s announcement.

Now we’ll see how long the XB180 moniker sticks. :P

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Posted by on June 19, 2013 in Artwork, E3 2013, News, Videogame News


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Microsoft Listens: XboxOne Reverses Course On DRM Policies. No Online Check. 1-Time Online Setup Still Required. Lending, Renting, Borrowing Disc-Based Games Same As On Xbox 360. XboxOne Is Region-Free

XboxOne No DRM Consumer Wins


Microsoft listened and XboxOne has reversed course on nearly all of the stifling DRM and XboxOne Used Games policies that have drastically hurt Microsoft’s image since they announced the system.

Now however, the playing field between the PS4 vs XboxOne has been drastically leveled, as many of the core issues keeping people from buying the XboxOne have now been scrapped.

But has the damage already been done? Has Microsoft’s reputation already been tarnished?

The XboxOne will NO LONGER require a 24-hour Internet check. In fact, no online checks period are required on XboxOne. The only time you are required to be online is during the initial system set-up. So you will still require an Internet connection to verify your system when you first purchase it. Still, this is a huge change from before.

All games can be played offline forever, no online requirement. You can play offline games without an Internet connection and it won’t ever interfere with your offline game.

You can now lend, borrow, rent, trade, etc. XboxOne games just like you can do on current-gen systems. This is HUGE news, as it means Microsoft has completely abandoned their “verified retailers only” trade-in and used games policies. #consumerwinsbig

Not only that, but XboxOne will be REGION-FREE. Which is huge.

Last but definitely not least, some of the cool XboxOne features previously announced appear to have been scrapped due to these changes. It sounds like you can no longer share your entire game library with up to 10 friends or family from any XboxOne. Although no confirmed, Microsoft simply said some of the cool features previously announced have been altered due to these changes. I’ll bet that is one of them.

All in all, the consumer backlash against Microsoft and towards Sony has forced the American giant’s hand in reversing their strict DRM policies and their draconian control of the Used Games market. This means very good things for GameStop, Blockbuster, Redbox, GameFly, and your ability to trade, borrow and lend games to your friends and family. However it also means that developers will not be getting additional revenue from selling used games. Which means they may have to make cuts elsewhere.

But let’s all be glad that Microsoft listened to fans and changed course. It is proof positive that a big enough outcry from consumers, and voting with the almighty dollar, can indeed move mountains.

Here is the official press release from Microsoft and President of Interactive Businesss for MS, Don Mattrick:

Last week at E3, the excitement, creativity and future of our industry was on display for a global audience.

For us, the future comes in the form of Xbox One, a system designed to be the best place to play games this year and for many years to come. As is our heritage with Xbox, we designed a system that could take full advantage of advances in technology in order to deliver a breakthrough in game play and entertainment. We imagined a new set of benefits such as easier roaming, family sharing, and new ways to try and buy games. We believe in the benefits of a connected, digital future.

Since unveiling our plans for Xbox One, my team and I have heard directly from many of you, read your comments and listened to your feedback. I would like to take the opportunity today to thank you for your assistance in helping us to reshape the future of Xbox One.

You told us how much you loved the flexibility you have today with games delivered on disc. The ability to lend, share, and resell these games at your discretion is of incredible importance to you. Also important to you is the freedom to play offline, for any length of time, anywhere in the world.

So, today I am announcing the following changes to Xbox One and how you can play, share, lend, and resell your games exactly as you do today on Xbox 360. Here is what that means:

An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games – After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360.

Trade-in, lend, resell, gift, and rent disc based games just like you do today – There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.

In addition to buying a disc from a retailer, you can also download games from Xbox Live on day of release. If you choose to download your games, you will be able to play them offline just like you do today. Xbox One games will be playable on any Xbox One console — there will be no regional restrictions.

These changes will impact some of the scenarios we previously announced for Xbox One. The sharing of games will work as it does today, you will simply share the disc. Downloaded titles cannot be shared or resold. Also, similar to today, playing disc based games will require that the disc be in the tray.

We appreciate your passion, support and willingness to challenge the assumptions of digital licensing and connectivity. While we believe that the majority of people will play games online and access the cloud for both games and entertainment, we will give consumers the choice of both physical and digital content. We have listened and we have heard loud and clear from your feedback that you want the best of both worlds.

Thank you again for your candid feedback. Our team remains committed to listening, taking feedback and delivering a great product for you later this year.

XB1 System Controller Kinect 2

SystemWars Resetted


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Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag E3 2013 Stage Demo, Trailer, Floor Footage, Press Conference Gameplay Walkthrough Trailers and Videos

Assassin's Creed 4 Pirate Boat Surfing Screenshot Edward

Surfing on a boat! Arrr!

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag is definitely one of the most highly anticipated games of 2013. The game builds on Assassin’s Creed III‘s engine, while taking the theme of the game into pirate-territory with a focus on the ship-battle and boat exploration gameplay that made an appearance in AC3; and expanding it to an entire game.

Here is the Ubisoft Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag E3 2013 Press Conference Gameplay Walkthrough Video.

While the new pirate focus is really cool material to be mined for a videogame, much less an Assassin’s Creed title, the game definitely doesn’t feel as innovative or as big as AC3; as the game essentially looks the same.

I found myself bored with the pirate gameplay, as even though you are a pirate, it just feels like you are on a ship… At least, that’s the impression I got.

Here is the Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag E3 2013 Trailer.

Even so, the game is being taken in a lot of new directions. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag has a new protagonist in Edward Kenway, a British pirate and member of the Assassin Order, and descendant of Connor from Assassin’s Cred III. It will feature three new main cities with a large part of the game set in Cuba. The cities include Havana, Kingston and Nassau; with influence from the Spanish, British and local/surrounding area pirates. All told the game will feature over 50 locations to explore, both on land and via naval ship that you can command (You can also hijack and steal other ships and engage in ship-on-ship warfare).

Ubisoft has also taken Assassin’s Creed IV in a much more open-world direction with the 4th installment, and it will be much less scripted and linear than AC3. Hunting both on land and in water via harpoon has also been added, with the hunting system expanded. In addition, the player’s ship can now be upgraded, and underwater gameplay has been added. Meanwhile, recruiting allies, a feature from Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood, returns in AC4. All of this should be good news to AC fans (also, improved crouching!).

Multiplayer will also return. Details in this Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Video Interview:

Here is a look at Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Multiplayer Gameplay in this E3 2013 Floor Footage Video.

Watch all the videos for much more information on this AAA title that will be hitting this year for virtually all platforms. The game will be released on October 29th in America, October 31st in Australia and November 1st 2013 in Europe on Xbox 360, PS3, PC, and WiiU. The game will then hit later this year, likely in November or December, for XboxOne and PS4. Covering just about all the bases except handheld.

Regardless of where you stand on the Assassin’s Creed series, and whether or not you think the yearly annual installment system is making the franchise stale, you have to admit that this game is looking pretty awesome. And I would be surprised if it wasn’t another big hit for Ubisoft. It is a bit surprising that the game is being given a numbered title; but the fact that it stars a new main character, with a new storyline and new pirate direction, make the new numbered title a good fit.

Here are the Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Stage Demos showing lots of gameplay and details from the game.

Assassin’s Creed IV GameSpot Stage Demo

Assassin’s Creed IV Machinima Stage Demo

Assassin’s Creed IV Rev3Games Stage Demo

Soooo much…. videeeeoooo…..!


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Rayman Legends Release Date Is September 3 2013. E3 2013 Gameplay Trailer Videos (WiiU, Xbox 360, PS3, PS Vita). Sequel To Rayman Origins

Rayman Legends Epic Bosses Gameplay Screenshot WiiU

Freakin’ incredible.

Rayman Legends was one of Nintendo’s third-party highlights for WiiU at E3 2013, even though the game will also be released on Xbox 360, PS3 and PS Vita. The game originally was to be a WiiU exclusive, but Ubisoft decided to delay the game a year to develop it for multiple platforms.

The game is a direct sequel to the critically acclaimed Rayman Origins (released for Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii in 2011. And in 2012 for PS Vita, PC and 3DS).

Like Origins, Rayman Legends is an absolutely gorgeous piece of art, with hand-drawn styled graphics that pop, and a game world that has to be seen to be believed. The game also features massive monsters, and four-player to five-player co-op support! (5 players on WiiU & PS Vita). Even though this game was at E3 2012, it’s still a mighty impressive game even here at E3 2013 and definitely one to watch for. It will be in our hands soon!

Hopefully it has great sales to boot!

Rayman Legends will be released on September 3 2013 in America, and in Europe on August 30 2013.

Rayman Legends Animation Screenshot Wii U, Xbox 360, PS3, PS Vita

Gorgeous is gorgeous!

Official Synopsis:
Rayman, Globox, and the Teensies are off wandering through an enchanted forest when they discover a mysterious tent filled with a series of captivating paintings. As they look more closely, they notice each painting seems to tell the story of a mythical world. While focusing on a painting that shows a medieval land, they are suddenly sucked into the painting, entering the world and the adventure begins. The gang must run, jump and fight their way through each world to save the day and discover the secrets of every legendary painting.

Key Rayman Legends Features:

* Wii U Showcase: Rayman Legends takes advantage of the WiiU and the unique capabilities of the WiiU GamePad. Use the touch screen to take out enemies, manipulate platforms, cut ropes to clear a path and much more. With the gyroscope technology, you can move rotating platforms and there are many more surprises to come!
* The Game Must Go On: The WiiU allows you to keep playing the game even when your television is off, continuing Rayman’s adventure on the GamePad.
* 5-Player Co-op Gameplay: Now more players can join in on the fun! With four Wii Remote controllers and the GamePad, up to 5 players can play at once. At any time if someone wants to leave or join in, the game will continue without interruption. The PS3 version also supports 5-Players using the PS Vita screen.
* 3D Boss Battles: The bosses have a big advantage over Rayman’s gang… an extra dimension! Dragons and other epic creatures can attack from all angles, so you’ll have to be on top of your game to defeat them.
* New Challenges: Connect with your friends through a variety of challenges that will test your skill and speed. Check the leaderboards to see where you rank around the world.
* Rayman Rocks! – Jump to the beat of a drum, punch to the bass line, even zip-line during a guitar sustain. Timing and rhythm is the key to beat these maps set to music. See if you have what it takes to be a Platforming Hero.
* UbiArt Engine Advancements: The UbiArt engine has expanded its abilities to now include 3D gameplay elements, a new lighting design, and a new rendering system which take Rayman’s award-winning graphics to the next level.
* The Award-Winning Team Is Back: The legendary team of decorated artists, designers and composers are teaming up again to create new worlds, new characters and a new soundtrack.

Now let this Rayman Legends Metal Trailer fill you with joy!


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Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure Brings Superman, Batman, Joker, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, Lex, Darkseid, Doomsday To Cartoon Life (WiiU, 3DS, PC). Trailer Videos, Screenshots E3 2013

Scribblenauts Unmasked Superman Gameplay Screenshot (WiiU)

Superman in Scribblenauts? AWESOME!

Scribblenauts Unmasked – A DC Comics Adventure is coming to WiiU, 3DS and PC, and brings the world of DC superheroes to the cartoony, anything-goes Scribblenauts universe! Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, Joker, Catwoman, Darkseid, Lex Luthor and more, both heroes and villains, will be seen throughout the game.

In the game players will take control of these heroes (Batman, Superman) and villains (Lex, Darkseid) to accomplish various objectives in the game’s new single-player story mode, or can summon these heroes and villains into the game at any point.

Every single version from that characters past is also in the game (including a whopping 130 different Green Lantern characters!), and players can even mix-and-match pieces of each Superhero to create their own custom heroes!

Want to make “Super-Batman” by mixing Superman and Batman into one? GO FOR IT! What about “Super Doomsday?” How about “Lantern Wonder Woman”?. All of it is possible.

Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure Heroes Wallpaper (WiiU, 3DS, PC)

So. Awesome!

Like in previous games, any words you type come to life in the game world, and not only are hundreds of thousands of objects covered via the game’s dictionary, but so are a number of objectives and action words. Ever wanted to see a Zombified Mummy Highspeed Batman? Then this is the game you need! If you were to type those words, a Zombified Mummied, fast-moving Batman would appear next to you! You must use this dictionary, which now includes an insane amount of words (exact amount coming soon), to come up with your own solution to solving puzzles. Not only that, but now you can actually view the dictionary itself, so you can see words that may be missing.

You’ll need to use these words to solve puzzles, and solve them in any way you see fit. Need to burn a tree down? Use Superman’s Heat Vision. Or use Wonder Woman to pull it up from the roots. Or you can simply summon fire to burn it to the ground. Summon rot to eat it from the inside. Or create a beaver to munch the tree down. Maybe use a tornado to blow the tree away. Or use a Rhino to ram it to bits! The choice is your’s!

Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure also features the Bat Computer, which allows you to view profiles and detailed description on all of the DC Comics Heroes, Villains, Items, Vehicles, etc. that appear in the game! Awesome!

This game looks like another huge hit for developer 5th Cell, who previous brought us the original Scribblenauts for DS in 2009.

Here are the list of Scribblenauts games for the uninitiated.

The sequel Super Scribblenauts for DS was released in 2010. The mobile version, Scribblenauts Remix hit iOS in 2011. The first console version, Scribblenauts Unlimited, was released for WiiU’s launch in 2012 as well as on PC via Steam and for 3DS. A 2-in-1 DS combo pack containing Scribblenauts and Super Scribblenauts was also released. Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure marks the 4th game in the series. 5th Cell also made a similar series for DS called “Drawn to Life”, which featured players using drawings instead of typing words. That game got a spin-off called Drawn to Life: SpongeBob SquarePants Edition in 2008, also for DS. As well as a Wii and DS sequel called “Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter” in 2009.

Scribblenauts Unmasked DC Comics Villains Wallpaper (WiiU, 3DS, PC)

Love seeing villains with this artstyle!

Official Synopsis
Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure is a new game that melds the boundless creativity of the award-winning video game franchise with thousands of DC Comics characters and objects across DC Comics worlds – all drawn in the classic Scribblenauts art style.

The game features a story where players embark as protagonist Maxwell on an imaginative and comical quest, taking them through Gotham City, Metropolis, Atlantis and other iconic locales from the DC Comics universe. Fueled by the player’s imagination, Maxwell must use his magic notebook to put a stop to the villains’ evil schemes and save the day!

Key Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure Features For WiiU:

* Vast DC Comics Universe – Summon thousands of DC Comics characters and objects – all drawn in the unique Scribblenauts art style!
* Extensive Replayability – Dynamically created puzzles called Heroic Feats increase the game’s replayability by continuously generating original scenarios requiring different solutions with each visit.
* Hero Creator – On WiiU and PC, players can create their own Super Hero or Super Villain using any item from the DC Universe and then setting properties for how it behaves, changing its appearance and powers. Players can then share their creations with the community and download others.
* Deep DC Comics Object Database – Players wanting help can reference The Batcomputer, an in-game encyclopedia that lists the names and descriptions of objects from the DC Comics Universe.
* Sidekick Mode – Friends and family can drop in using a Wii Remote and take control of any object in game in the WiiU version!


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Game & Wario E3 2013 Video Trailer (WiiU). Mini-Games FTW

Game & Wario Minigame Screenshots (WiiU E3 2013)

Tons of new GamePad minigames to play.

Game & Wario releases soon, hitting this month on June 23rd 2013 exclusively for WiiU. It is the latest game in the WarioWare series, although the new title suggests the fact that the “microgames” concept has been expanded into longer-styled mini-games instead.

All of these mini-games make innovative use of the WiiU GamePad, but add a party-game, casual gamer style to it.

Some of the mini-games are really innovative, such as a Ninja platformer where the ninja jumps into the air from platform to platform, with the view from a third-person behind-the-back on the TV. Whereas the viewpoint on the GamePad is top-down. Because of this, you must look at the GamePad to tell which platforms are safe before you actually land on them. If you just watch the top screen, you can’t tell which platform is safe to stand on.

Other mini-games include Skiing with randomly generated tracks (with the controls being on the GamePad), a Where’s Waldo style game, a game that uses the GamePad as a scope to discover thieves before they can steal, and simple games of that nature.

There are over 16 of these mini-games to play, with over 200 rewards for you to unlock! To play these different minigames you’ll have to hold the Wii U in over eight different ways to play them. Just like you had to do with the Wii Remote in the last console game, WarioWare Smooth Moves for Wii from 2006.

This is a game that you’ll want to bust out when you have a lot of friends over. And will certainly be a big hit for Nintendo. It also further fills in the mini-game compilation threshold while also giving us another new entry in the WarioWare series; AND giving us new ways to use the GamePad in unique ways. Giving developers a better idea of the kinds of stuff you can do with it.


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Luigi Rescuing Daisy From Waluigi? Nope. But More Luigi Action In New Super Luigi U E3 2013 Trailer Video

New Super Luigi U Mushroom Power Nabbit Gameplay Screenshot E3 2013 Trailer

Nabbit and Luigi powering up with Mushrooms.

I wish Luigi had to rescue Daisy from Waluigi in New Super Luigi U. This E3 2013 trailer for the New Super Mario Bros. U DLC, shows off players controlling Luigi through a number of the more difficult versions of levels from the core game.

While this is absolutely awesome and a welcome addition, as is the new playable character Nabbit, it is somewhat disappointing that they didn’t come up with a new story or at least a cool twist on the story.

Now that you are controlling Luigi, they could’ve made Waluigi star in a core Mario game for the first time, and finally developed Daisy into her own character. Sadly that isn’t the case. Maybe in a second piece of Downloadable Content?

Doubtful but I hope that Nintendo listens to the guy who suggested this idea in the youtube comments, as it’s a great idea and something Nintendo should explore in the future!


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Mii Mario Party. Er, Wii Party U Announced. Mii-Fused Minigame Focused Boardgame ala Mario Party. Play Classic Boardgames With 2-Players On One GamePad. Trailer Video, Screenshots (E3 2013 Nintendo Direct)

Mii Mario Party Action Er Wii U Party Gameplay Screenshot (WiiU)

Intense animal racing action right here!

Wii U Party for WiiU has been announced by Nintendo & developer NDCube as the next major Nintendo game to focus on controlling Mii’s in a casual party game environments. This time it is basically “Mii Mario Party”, as the game delivers a virtual boardgame that you can play with up to four friends, all of whom play as their Mii characters.

As they make their way around the game board, you will compete in a variety of Mario Party-style mini-games. It is the sequel to the Wii game “Wii Party”, and will feature a number of those same minigames in upgraded fashion.

However this game’s major hook is the ability to play classic tabletop family boardgames with two players using one WiiU GamePad. You put the GamePad on the table like a game board, and two players, one sitting on each end of the GamePad, can play as it if was a boardgame.

Wii Party U GamePad Boardgame Screenshot (WiiU)

Awesome and innovative.

This is a new concept and one that Nintendo prototyped and demo’d as a possible use for the WiiU Tablet Controller when the system was first unveiled. It’s nice to finally see it being implemented in a real videogame. This is another “quickie” by Nintendo, but the kind of game that appeals to everyone and will surely be a high system seller.

Official Synopsis

It’s Time to Party with WiiU
Enjoy board games and mini-games on the TV, play familiar tabletop games using the Wii U GamePad controller or transform your living room into a game show floor. No matter what kind of party you’re throwing, Wii Party U offers something for everyone.

Key Wii Party U Features:
* Everyone at the party competes with his or her own Mii characters in a medley of party games.
* Experience new ways to play with others using the WiiU GamePad. For example, in “Lost-and-Found Square,” imagine you are the person holding the GamePad and you are lost in a playground. Your goal is to describe your surroundings based on what you see on the GamePad in order to help the other players find your location.
* Post your impressions of game sessions to Miiverse. You can rate your performance by adding a one-to five-star ranking after the match is over.
* When you want to leave the TV behind, you can choose to play exclusively on the WiiU GamePad with an array of 15 tabletop games, ranging from foosball to baseball, for two-player competitive and cooperative play.
* In addition to the main games that everyone can play together, there are 80 minigames that can be played on your own. These include the Tabletop Minigame that can be played with the Wii U GamePad only.


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