Tag Archives: Bristol Palin

Bristol Palin and Mark Ballas Full Performance Video Dancing With the Stars September 2012. Vote For Her Now

Bristol Palin Dancing With the Stars 2012 Cutie. Photo from practice tryouts

She is such a cutie. I can only hope that my future girlfriend is this cute.

I’m a big Bristol Palin, Sarah Palin and “The Palins” fan, and I just found out that Bristol returned in the 15th (!!!) season of Dancing With the Stars.

I could give a damn about these types of reality shows, but since I highly enjoyed Bristol’s reality show, “Life’s A Tripp” on Lifetime, and since I’m a big fan of her’s, I decided to check out her debut performance via youtube on the new season of DWTS show where she does the Cha-Cha-Cha.

Bristol Palin Mark Ballas Dancing With the Stars September 23 2012 Debut Performance Screenshot

They make a very beautiful dancing couple.

I have absolutely no interest in this girly crap (dancing in all), but here is her performance and tryouts leading up to her dance, the full video.

This video doesn’t show the judges portion, but she was given a good grade and was voted as “Most Improved” which is a great nod given that she is not a performer, actor or dancer and is just an amateur. And she’s only 21. She may even be the youngest dancer on the show.

You can vote for Bristol Palin on Dancing With the Stars 2012 at the official website or vote for Bristol Palin with the phone # 1-800-868-3409. However the website forces you to sign up or sign-in using Twitter and Facebook to vote. Screw that. lol. I would’ve voted to support her otherwise.

Enjoy the video.

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Posted by on September 25, 2012 in News, TV Shows, Video of the Day, Videos


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