Tag Archives: jesus loves you this much

Encouraging Quote of the Day – YOU Know What’s Beautiful? Read the First Word Again

Jesus Loves You This Much Cross

Jesus already loved you so much He died for YOU. Never forget that.

“YOU know what’s beautiful? Read the first word again.”

Never forget how much God loves YOU and that God created YOU to be YOU. You are special, and every person in this world is someone whom God would forget the whole world just to save. YOU ARE THAT IMPORTANT.

Looking at yourself through the eyes of Jesus Christ, and through the eyes of how other people see you; is a great way to boost your own self-esteem. Remember that YOU MATTER.

Even when it seems like you don’t, even when you don’t feel like you do, and even when you feel worthless, lonely, or lost… remember that everyone impacts the lives of others, and everyone has SOMEONE who loves them. Someone, somewhere. And even if you didn’t or don’t, GOD LOVES YOU. And ultimately, THAT is ALL that MATTERS.


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