Tag Archives: Saturn version

Classic EGM Review: Resident Evil 1 (Saturn) From EGM 100

Resident Evil Saturn Box Art Cover

… The classic zombie scene is the cover of the Sega Saturn version of Resident Evil released in 1997.

This Resident Evil 1 (Saturn) EGM Review from issue #100 tells you what kind of stir the game caused back in late 1997/early 1998; August 31st 1997 to be exact.

This release came about a year following the original debut of the game on PS1 on March 30, 1996.

Resident Evil 1 (Saturn)

Publisher: Capcom
Developer: Capcom
EGM Preview In #97
Players: 1
Best Feature: The Gory Gameplay
Worst Feature: Voice Acting Of course
Awarded EGM Silver

8.0 From Sushi-X
Normally, I loathe to compare the same game on different platforms, unless it’s an arcade-to-console translation. In the case of Resident Evil for Saturn, however, an exception must be made. Resident Evil was made famous on Sony’s PlayStation; in fact, some say it made the PlayStation famous instead.

Now, a year and a half later, Saturn owners get to play the same game PlayStation onwers have conquered and are now using as a coaster. Why it’s taken so long is clearly a mystery, but the sad truth is that most Saturn owners also own a PS1, which means most of you own this game already. And believe me, there is little difference between the two console versions (Saturn and PlayStation).

The biggest difference between versions is a slight cleaning up of some gory details, like Kenneth’s well-known Decapitato Scene (sounds like a South Park theme to me). Now poor Kenneth really looks messed up!

But, other than that, the game plays exactly the same, with the same timing and floor layout as the original PlaySation version. That said, if you are one of the few Saturn owners without a PlayStation (I know you’re out there, you complain every month about the lack of Saturn games) definitely pick Resident Evil up. What you’ll get is a Playstation classic, gracefully translated to the Saturn in time for the holiday season. At any rate, it’s a great game.

Gameplay footage of Saturn Resident Evil

8.5 From Crispin
Yep, it’s Resident Evil all right. This Saturn version looks and plays pretty much like it did on the PlayStation, except with a little more gore. And I like this game just as much now as I did when it was released nearly a yer and a half ago. Of course, I also have the same gripes with its gameplay. I’ve never been a big fan of RE’s save-game system, and being forced to battle armies of zombies with a knife can be frustrating. Still, it’s a must-buy.

9.0 From Shawn
How long has it been since the PlayStation version came out? But enough of that – the Saturn version is here now and that’s what counts. The conversion is incredible! This one has some of the best FMV on the Saturn and the game is awesome! The graphics are perfect, and the same terrible dialogue is intact (which is a good thing… really). Saturn owners: If you’ve been waiting for this one, it has been well worth the long wait!

6.5 From Kraig
I remember playing this game before, when it was called Alone in the Dark. Resident Evil borrows heavily from that classic, but it isn’t as good. Although the graphics are good, the gameplay is slow, methodical and repetitious. Most of the game involves killing bloody variations of zombies in order to get an object. Then, repeat many times. Overall, RE is barely above average because of it’s ho-hum puzzles and repetitive gameplay.

Visuals: 8
Sound: 8
Ingenuity: 8
Replay: 7

Resident Evil Saturn Version Battle Mode

Previous Classic EGM Reviews:
* Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1)


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