Daily Archives: May 27, 2013

PS4 Used Games Won’t Be Restricted At All Rumor Says. Following XboxOne Microsoft Backlash By Consumers

PS4 Logo OfficialPS4 used games won’t be restricted at all… So says the rumor. The extreme XboxOne Used Games backlash Microsoft is facing over it’s XboxOne system and the fact that Microsoft wants to restructure and restrict how used games for the system are bought and sold has changed Sony’s direction on Used Games. Now Sony has reportedly completely scrapped a similar system that also would have seen used games restricted on the PS4 in a similar manner to Microsoft’s XboxOne.

However following all of the negative heat and ill-will that Microsoft has built-up since the reveal of the XboxOne, Sony has reportedly completely changed course on the Used Games issue and will fully embrace being the anti-Microsoft. A decision that the company had still been mulling over up-until-now.

Take all this with a grain of salt however, as the rumor is via a post by a NeoGAF user, albeit one with a great track record of rightly predicting Sony’s next move. Does he have some insider information? He says he does, and stated the following:

NeoGAF forum post user “famousmortimer“,
“The gist of it is that Sony is listening to the backlash that Microsoft is getting and they are basing decisions off of this. I can say, for sure, that the past week’s PR nightmare for MS has not been lost on Sony and they, in fact, do have a used game ‘solution’ working and have been going back and forth for months on whether to use it. This past week is pushing them strongly into ‘Yeah, let’s not use that’ category. And Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida in particular is very open to feedback.”

This is a very interest development, and could sight the first true “bullet heard around the world” in the next-gen console war. We’ll have to wait only a short while until E3 2013 on June 11-13 to find out whether this rumor regarding the PS4 and used games is true or not.


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XboxOne $1 Billion Worth of New Games Provided By Microsoft In First Year

XboxOne DLC Exclusive First On Xbox 720

Money buys happiness…

XboxOne $1 billion, eh? There will be XboxOne games aplenty as Microsoft has announced they are pumping over $1 billion (with a “B”) dollars worth of videogame development investment money into their successor to the Xbox 360.

That amount of money will gain them over 15 exclusive XboxOne titles, 8 of which are all-new IP as the company has already revealed. All of these games will be developed by Microsoft’s internal studios.

And contrary to popular belief, many people suspect that these 15 new titles will all be massive AAA games, and not Kinect games, mini-game collections, or XBLA titles. But big hitters meant to sway people to purchase an XboxOne.

This is of course, on top of any third-party exclusive deals that Microsoft has paid for or deals they have developed with other developers and publishers. Something that has already happened with the announcement that XboxOne will get Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC FIRST, before any other system, and with the NFL and FIFA Sports deals announced at the reveal event.

Considering the struggles that the videogame industry has had sales-wise lately, the new consoles including the XboxOne are being banked on to breath some new life into the old bones that the industry is currently facing, when Xbox One Releases and PS4 releases worldwide this holiday 2013!

It’s good news that Microsoft is putting its full faith and money where its mouth is when it comes to the XboxOne. All that’s needed now is to get people to care about it! Of course, at E3 2013 we will see the first real game announcements for the XboxOne. And thus we wait with baited breath!


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